Sunday, December 25, 2022


     I always thought Vietnam and Thailand are the top two producers of rice in the world. I didn't know of India. Rice, a staple food among Asians, is produced predominantly in Asia, looking at four of the top five exporters are Asian. I am also surprised to know that the US is the fifth world exporter of rice, thinking they don't produce rice that much.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Christmas 2022

     This will be my fourth Christmas in the Philippines ever since I have stopped working oversea, all in my native hometown. It's a joy to remember the many Christmases I have been away, how I celebrate Christmas in Singapore. I attended Simbang Gabi in Singapore and it is worth remembering especially when some churches provide snacks or food to the churchgoers, all Filipinos.
Merry Christmas 2022!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Amazing Dawn

     I woke up without electricity, good thing it's relatively cold here. When I wanted to do my morning walk, I saw a beautiful heaven.Colorful hues of the early morning

     There's a little bit of clouds but the sunlight dispersed within them gave this magnificent sight like an artist's canvas. Watching this the moment you wake up somehow transport you far away from the hardships of the life in the rural village.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


     I remember growing up with our hut surrounded by many fruit trees. There were avocados, lanzones, jackfruit, lime,  santol, and many others.  We had lots of them with many other vegetable plants then they've all been swept by typhoon Haiyan in 2013, leaving us a barren field.

     My good friend at the Department of Agriculture gave me ripe jackfruit that after eating, I decided to plant the seeds. Three have grown and the biggest of them is twice my height. It is a simple pleasure seeing the growth of the plant the seed of which I sowed.The growing jackfruit

    I am looking forward for it to grow. This reminds me that if people are not lazy, they have many things they can sow, and reap the fruits of their labor.

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Final Four in World Cup

     It's down to the final four in the World Cup 2022 in Qatar - Argentina, Croatia, France, Morocco. Two are previous champions, one is last edition's runner up and a newbie representing Africa-Arab Islamic groups. What a final four!
Into the semifinals

   I am excited to choose a team to win. I think it's Argentina's year. I am not sure of France winning back-to-back World Cup but they could be in the final. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Whitewater Rafting

     I love adventure and the outdoors. I did white-water rafting with friends in Malaysia before for fun, pumping up my adrenaline. The experience was worth remembering in maneuvering through the rapids as we went downstream. It's definitely funny how I tried to step on the foot  of my friends so they won't fall off the raft when the current was swift.
Adrenaline-pumping white-water rafting