Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My New Eyeglasses

     I had to change my eyeglasses as the lens of my old pair had problem. Thanks to good friends in the US whom I asked for financial help, as the glasses cost is 9,000 pesos. They actually sent me 25,000. I opted for no transition lens since I am seldom outdoors now, as long as it is progressive. My friends Mylene, Malou, Mario and Dory, who coordinated the sending of the moolah to me.

     One of my US friends who donated cash to me was my closest friend Mylene in Dutch Boy Philippines when I worked in the Philippines. We were so close, we took our lunches and meriendas together that production people thought we were on a relationship. It was pure platonic one. 

     She sent me a card that made me cry when I read it. I am very lucky to have them as my friends whom I can run to for help when needed. I must have done right in my earlier life to have these people in my life.

Friday, June 7, 2024

French Open 2024 Predictions

     The finalists for French Open Grand Slam 2024 has been set. It's an Alacaraz-Zverev(Spain vs Germany) final for the men and Swiatek-Paolini(Poland vs Italy) for the women. If I am to make a prediction, my heart goes to Zverev for the men for his first Grand Slam ever, and Swiatek for the women cementing her dominance on clay courts.