Saturday, October 25, 2008

Radical Reactions

Things are moving fast. If we are not aware, we will be left behind. Scrutinizing things, events, and happenings around me makes me think that somehow I'm in control. Watching the news, witnessing activities in my neighborhood, seeing people as I drive by - I form my opinions. They are natural reactions of a normal human being who appreaciates life.

Life is like chemistry. There is positive, there is negative. There are free radicals that are very reactive. Because there are different charges, reactions can take place. There can be single reaction, there can be chain reactions, and there can be reversible and irreversible reactions. Nothing we can do about it. That is nature. That is life. What we need to learn is to prepare when such reactions take place and to know how are we going to react ourselves.

I am starting this new blog to chronicle my personal reactions to everything around me - from the mundane to the complex, from my neighborhood to the global arena. This is a platform to express freely and intelligent discourse.