Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Philippines To Be the Next Singapore?

     I like Isko Moreno''s vision of the Philippines to be like Singapore if he gets to become President. It is very necessary in a way for a leader to have in order to set milestones of how achieving them.

     I don't know if I am speaking right but what he said will remain hallowed words without clear plan to fruition. No, it is still extremely distant for the country to achieve that status.  I don't think he studied enough of how Singapore reached what it is today. There are many stumbling block to reach the status of Singapore. I worked in Singapore for ten years and I feel I have seen and felt how its political system is far different that what we have. 

    First thing a good leader must do is extract the root of poverty. In a country where the oligarch, a small percentage of the population, controls the economy and politics while the great majority wallow in poverty, there is very serious problem in the country. He must address to uproot this broad inequality existing in today's society. The oligarchy controls the lands and the industries. There is no clear structure to allow the poor population to improve. 

     Many of the landowners, the politicians often control the lands, and I see a lot of idle lands which I believed are owned by the wealthy landowners who are far away. The rural countryside is so underdeveloped and unproductive. People are influenced, especially the teens, by social media, they are preoccupied with TikTok. Their endeavor is unproductive which defenitely is bad for the economy. Before I was here in the Philippines, I learned the country leads in TikTok and vlogging, I felt so proud thinking it's the Filipino creativity. I didn't know it is their main occupation which is bad for the economy, now I realize

     The worst is the first EDSA revolution instilled in the people the skewed concept of freedom, no emphasis on responsibility. This is what is lacking in the Philippine society today, a major difference with Singapore. In Singapore, there is responsibility and the government ensures it sticks with responsibility. As the saying goes, your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins.

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