Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Life Expectancy

     I saw this online and it pains to know the Philippines is 7th in life expectancy when it used to be as high as 3rd in the 70's if I remember right.Poor 7th we are

     I am not surprised Singapore leads the pack as everyone there has job, it has well developed environment and is very efficient in all ways. The people has probably lower worry and medical care is superb. To see the Philippines among the bottom is a painful reality, an offshoot of the widespread poverty, unemployment and poor services such as the hospital. The country is no longer in the league of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. Vietnam and Indonesia are overtaking the Philippines and I see that discipline is the common denominator.

     The Philippines is focused on political freedom but lags in the economic enhancement. Wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few while majority wallows in dire poverty. Politicians are mainly wealthy and looking only at the interest of the rich. Politics is a contest between this rich gang and that rich group 

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