Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Malaysia Merdeka Day

     Today is Malaysia's independence day, the day they were declared free from British colonial rule  I think it's the 65th. 
The iconic PETRONAS Twin towers of Malaysia, still the world's tallest for a twin tower

     I've spent almost twenty years of my life in Malaysia as an OFW. I feel I am more Malaysian than Filipino. I got used to their customs and traditions . For me, Malaysian is the perfect balance between progress and tradition, urban and rural. People are happy and living above standard, so different than what I am seeing now in rural Philippines. 

     I used to joke that I could go around Malaysia without getting lost and it's the other way in the Philippines, although now I am slowly blending into the life here and getting used to the ways of the people here especially in my rural village.

     I miss my Malaysian life which I won't be able to go back after my stroke. The stroke rendered me back to my home country.

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