Thursday, September 1, 2022

Marketing for the Asian Region

     I miss my old job, being the marketeer in Asia for a monomer until stroke rendered me useless for the job. In my Facebook memory came one of our global marketing meetings in the US, historically too for the meeting went to so many changes due to hurricane Harvey.The global marketing team after we finished the meetings 

     Our original meeting was supposed to be in Columbus, Ohio when our lay over flight in Manchester, UK was delayed overnight hoping the hurricane situation would become better, only to be informed the next day we were being flown to Atlanta, Georgia. Our global marketing team had to change plan for our global meeting, to Atlanta at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

     It was an unforgettable trip for me aside from the Harvey bravado. It was my first trip to the US.  I went to Atlanta via Chicago international airport. I had a totally different life when I was working than now post stroke.

     I miss the global marketing team although only one remains in the company as of today. My ex-boss who looks like Virgo Mortensen definitely instilled in me nuggets of marketing, technical marketing. I am very lucky to have experienced these from 2011. Had I known that to be in marketing is awesome, I would have shifted career earlier.

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