Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mayon Volcano

     The alert level for Mayon Volcano has been raised to three as eruption is looming. It can be recalled that the last time this volcano erupted was five years ago and we happened to be in Albay by accident. That was December 27, 2018 I think.
Sign that eruption may happen

     We were travelling back home for holiday when a typhoon stranded us at Bicol as ferry services had been cancelled. We had no choice but to stay in Bicol, and making the most of our time in Albay, Bicol, we went to see Mayon Volcano only to see the onset of an eruption. I managed to capture that moment without knowing it was the beginning of an eruption.

     When we went back to our hotel, the eruption was on the news. Only then we realized we were there when it started. Thus seeing the news reminded what we experienced five years ago.

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