Sunday, September 1, 2024

The King of Fruits

     I wonder why the Philippines has never been really into eating the king of fruits, durian, like its neighboring ASEAN countries. Thus, when someone who works in the nearby town was given two pieces of durian, they can't eat when they opened one so they decided to give away the other to whoever wanted. I quickly told them I can eat and so they gave me the unopened fruit.The King of Fruits

     I didn't learn to eat durian from young, as we didn't like the pungent smell for being too offensive to our noses then. During those times, I've not seen any fresh durian fruit. The closest encounter I had was with some local candies that were durian flavored.

     When I moved to Malaysia to work, for three years I never indulged durian eating as a habit, as it was, among the locals, a tradition to feast on durian when in season. Thus I vividly remember my gang had dinner together, and when it's season, they would feast on durian after dinner. I would leave them to go back home and rejoin with them after their durian feast, until one time, they managed to psyché me into eating durian. 

     When I tried it first, I fell in love with the taste. Forget about the aroma but the milky taste, sweet, a tad bitter in some species, is to die for. Since that day I have become a part of their durian session. They taught me how to eat like a pro with bare hands, as well as how to get rid of the smell that sticks to your fingers.

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