Sunday, September 17, 2023

Coconut Embryo

    This is a coconut embryo, or coconut haustorium, that if it grows, it becomes a tall coconut tree.Young coconut to be

     Growing up in the rural village pre-Yolanda(devastating typhoon Haiyan in 2013) days, I learned all the manual tasks preparing the coconuts to become copra, dried coconut meat. When not in school, I would help my poor farming family in preparing the coconuts to become copra. When we broke the coconuts for copra-making, we would find the embryo which we would collect and eat after completing our coconut splitting chores. It was a simple natural food but delicious. 

     That's the value people in the rural areas must learn, simple but delicious. Not all in the urban cities are palatable. In today's society, the poor rural folks all look up to the urban people, they become their role models which is wrong. They follow their values, they become materialistic. What is even worse the materialistic urbanites control the TV and its shows and the poor rural folks look up to them like Gods.

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