Sunday, May 19, 2024

Scam in the Philippines

     Sad to say but it is the reality, there are plenty of scammers in the Philippines. I spent 30 years in Singapore and Malaysia prior to my stroke, I never had this kind of experience.

     Every now and then, I get text messages from random people, and if you are not really careful, you would fall into their trap.
First, I got this!
Then this came
Becoming obvious it's a scam
They're still trying to lure me

     I am not sure if they all came from one source, although I feel they were as they came almost one day after another. I blocked all the numbers, that's the key, eventually they get exhausted of their hoax.

     There are too many individuals in this country who are jobless and are looking for easy money, this is one example of their way to con others who fall into their modus. The society has made them poor and wanting, pushing them to resort to scrupulous modus in order to survive. It's something that politicians should focus and try to solve long term instead of focusing on menial projects as building basketball courts in the communities. 

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