Thursday, September 2, 2021

Certified Plantito

     I am now a certified plantito here in my rural village. Trapped here for more than two years, the onset of Covid has stopped us from returning to Manila. Instead stay put here in the village far from the center of the pandemic perhaps until it has died down or herd immunity has been achieved. By the way, I have been vaccinated with the one-dose Jansen vaccine by Johnson & Johnson.

     As such, I am planting vegetables just beside the house to keep me busy, as I have nothing else to do but read, write or walk. My friend from the Department of Agriculture gave me seeds to plant.
Bitter gourd growing up the vines
String beans climbing up my makeshift trellis
Young okra, easiest to grow

     I also have cucumbers, pechay as well as sunflower. A cousin gave me young blue ternate.

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