Friday, September 3, 2021

PPE Brouhaha

     Elections will only take place next year but the political brouhaha has started with potential candidates trying to get into the headlines. Some pay TV commercials just about anything to get into the people's minds and watching them can cause me to vomit. I expect it will be more "festive" as we go nearer to May 2022.

     In order to get into the headlines, the opposition senators investigate the Department of Health(DOH) purchase of PPE claiming they were overpriced. What they forget to mention is that the DOH purchased them in 2020 when the pandemic was not full blown therefore there was no demand for PPEs then thus their prices could be higher than today. Simple law of supply and demand, any marketing guy knows this.
     Today, at the height of the pandemic, there is abundant supply thus their prices can be so low. You can easily get them by the roadside driving their prices to go down. This is what the opposition senators fail to explain to the masses, all they harp on is the high purchase price then.

     They also never mentioned that during non-pandemic times, such as during Pinoy's term, they were even more expensive primarily supply was limited and demand was not there. That is what the opposition is not explaining to the masses.
     This explains further why the need to look beyond the headlines, and don't get swayed by mainstream media.

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