Sunday, September 5, 2021

Too Much Politics

     In the Philippines, there is too much politics disenfranchising the interest of the masses, the poor masses, just too much compared to Malaysia and Singapore, I feel. In the same way, there is so much Tiktoking and showbusiness, and this is unproductive really for the country, and nobody cares. The establishment wants to keep the status quo, the rich including the politicians remain rich and powerful while the poor continue to be poor and at the mercy of them, the wealthy oligarch.

     As early as now, politicians are scrambling for media mileage, and they do just anything to be on the headline. In Malaysia and Singapore, both better developed than the Philippines, they only have few days to campaign, I think the longest I remember is eleven days before election. Very unlike here in the Philippines where as early as now, some eight months before election, there is so much politicking of the powers that be as can be seen on TV. Totally bad for the economy, very unproductive and the masses are not aware about it, they are part of the system uninformed and unaware.

     I feel like come May 2022, I may submit a blank ballot, maybe for lack of choices that will truly make the difference. Whatever I will do in 2022, I definitely won't vote these following trapos(traditional politicians).

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