Saturday, October 9, 2021

Funny but True

     There is general election come May 2022 and traditional politicians are now busy preparing for that. Before even the official campaign, there are now advertisements on TV. Listening to them makes me vomit blood. Truly it's sickening listening to the ads of Isko Moreno, Win Gatchlian, Pamfilo Lacson among many others.

     I can't help but compare the simplicity of the political system of Singapore and Malaysia, with their political campaigns only days before election, I experienced 9 days, the shortest, and 15 days, the longest. Not too much politics among the people, not too much time wasted on unproductive endeavors. They focus more productive activities that will spur the economy. From now till may 2022, it's going to be unproductive for the country. People are concentrated on politics.
They kowtow to the poor, it's sickening

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