Saturday, October 30, 2021

Unpredictability of the Weather

     It has been intermittently raining since we moved in to this new hut. I don't remember a single day full of sunshine. The rainwater creates mud thus the pathway leading to the main road is muddy. It's a headache to go out to the main road. Car is difficult to drive in here too when it gets muddy. I have to park my car in my nephew's house nearer the village road.
Too much rainwater causes mud

     This is cuddling weather. It feels good to tuck in bed under the comfort of the blanket. Great weather to sleep. It's a good time to drink too, and sing karaoke (as planned by my niece, to bring their karaoke machine to the above hut).

     Actually, intermittent rain and sunlight is a blessing. The rain is kind of watering the plants so it's beneficial for farming. The plants gets the sunlight they need then gets watered when it rains.

     Praying for a full sunshine day as this intermittent rainy days have been like everyday. We need the sunlight to dry our clothes at least.

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