Wednesday, November 16, 2022


     I grew up not learning to drink any hot beverage because I sweat a lot. I didn't drink coffee when I was young, which I got used to until I worked in the Philippines. When I worked abroad in Malaysia, I noticed they seldom drink cold drinks. They have coffee and tea both with milk for their standard beverage. Thus when I went out with them, I learned to consume hot coffee or tea and that initiated me to learn drinking hot beverages. They had awesome coffees and teas from the neighborhood coffee shops to posh restaurants.

     Thus when I saw in the grocery here in Leyte a coffee with Malay words, my first thought was that it must be from Malaysia, only to discover later that it is actually from Indonesia. It is sweetened with gula Melaka. I drink coffee without sugar but since I have no stock of my sugar-less coffee, I have to drink this.
Coffee from Indonesia 

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