Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Happy Aidilfitri Festival

     I want to wish all my Muslim friends, mostly in Malaysia, a blessed and happy Aidilfitri Festival (Eidil'fitri to some).

     I won't forget the fiesta feel of it, very similar to the fiesta celebration in the Philippine villages, except that Aidilfitri is festival of the whole country, commemorating the end of the Muslims's  Ramadan, their fasting month when they completely fast from dawn to dusk. I got used to this yearly fasting of Muslims when I worked in Malaysia, although we, non-Muslims, were allowed to eat.

     One of my Malaysian closest friends is a Muslim, and there were times I would follow him back to his hometown to join his family, actually became my adopted family. I would fast with them although they allowed me to eat but as a sign of respect, I joined their daily fasting. There were many celerbrations of Hari Raya Aidilfitri I joined the Malay Muslim family since it's a two-day holiday in Malaysia, allowing to see their customs and traditions.

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