Friday, April 12, 2024

Self PT?

     A Filipino-American friend asked me if I am doing PT(physio-therapy) to improve my movement. I replied that I don't know any PTs nearby me at the moment, and beside, the truth is I have no funds to support such expensive-sounding therapy, although I didn't mention that to her. What I did, I searched online what could be done to improve my balance which I feel that's what I lack, self diagnosis. I was surprised to find these simple exercises to follow.
They are so simple and easy

     I tried it for a week until today, and I don't know if I am biased that it is of help. When I started, during the first three days, I had muscle ache, which I never was expecting as I thought the exercises were not so physical. It made me think it must be effective. I continued every morning after my morning walk, and today I found out marked improvement in my balance. I will continue this to see the long-term effects.

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