Friday, August 9, 2024

Happy National Day Singapore!

     For a long time, I worked in Malaysia as I kind of didn't like the idea of working in Singapore as I learned that time it is expensive. Then came when I decided not to work in Malaysia because I didn't like my boss, the offer came to work in Singapore which I took otherwise I would have to go back home in the Philippines. Thus I landed a marketing job with an American company dealing with chemicals in a regional capacity, the whole of Asia. That's how I ended up working in Singapore.

     Today is the National Day of Singapore thus I remember writing this.
Happy National Day Singapore

     I lasted working in this country for almost ten years until a stroke rendered me unable to work, otherwise I could beat my record of working longest time in Malaysia. For ten years, I got to love Singapore for the cleanliness, orderliness and everything. When I stayed there, I realized that Singapore is an ideal society in my standard. If you earn in Singapore, the cost of living is actually reasonable. 

     In my opinion, Singapore is such an almost perfect society where the government make sure there is no poor, unlike in the Philippines where the wealth is concentrated among the elite few. Politics is well managed, politicians spend only ten days or so to campaign in five years and once they're elected, it's all work for the people and society. The government is ran like a corporation thus it is well managed.

     I miss Singapore so much with all its orderliness and cleanliness. It's the exact opposite here in the Philippines, far beyond comparison. The Philippines is everything what Singapore is not, from economy, politics and socio-cultural point of view.

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