Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Alanis Morissette

     A friend posted in our chat group that tickled me as I remember a funny incident I experienced when I was employed by Jotun then, a Norwegian paint company.
She will have a concert in Manila 

     One time, we had a department trip to Langkawi Island, Malaysia. While sitting on the beach with fellow Filipino colleague Mario, we talked about Alanis Morissette. A Malaysian colleague kind of overheard our conversation, she butted in "what's Alanis Morissette"?

     Playful Mario replied to her, "oh, it's a perfume!". From then on anything we didn't understand in our conversations, back in the office, we said, "it's a perfume" driving us all to laugh. Although, we told her what's the real Alanis Morissette few hours after our funny beach conversation.

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