Wednesday, March 22, 2023


     I grew up in the Philippines where it is predominantly Christian. I never had any close encounter with Muslims if my memory serves right. All I knew that time was the chaos in southern Mindanao where majority of the Muslims are. I worked in Malaysia and was exposed to the Muslim culture, predominantly a Muslim country and I saw their peaceful coexistence with Buddhists, Hindis and some Christians. Thus I enjoyed holidays there of all the relevant religions. I came to know of Ramadan of almost two decades of living there. I saw the similarities of our religious culture instead of the differences thus I did not understand the havoc in southern Philippines preventing them to a peaceful coexistence. I now understand it's a long story.

     I learned when Ramadan comes, the Muslims fast during daytime, from sunrise to sunset, not even allowed to drink water. There is fasting and abstinence among Christians which I grew up with but it was voluntary. There is good and bad for both, it's too political that I won't want to go there.
Blessed Ramadan 1444

     When Ramadan comes, Muslims, my friends, in Malaysia fast the whole day, there will be no canteen open at work. When I go back to the hometown of Muslim friend, I learn to fast the whole day without a drop of water. They will encourage me to eat but in solidarity, I refuse. I eat with them to break the fast at sunset and wake up early morning before sunrise to eat.

     I saw the spiritual effect of fasting on a person. It is not all physical. It strengthens once resolve and perseverance. It reminds the people to be detached from the material world and it's glitters of the material wealth. This helps them to distance from all the temptations and distance themselves from mortal sins. I personally feel they are managing this.l so well but not among Christians because the church is all theory but it's not put into practice.

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