Wednesday, March 15, 2023

My Heart in Singapore

     I am back to home town in rural Philippines but I feel I left my heart in Singapore. It had been my home for almost ten years before a stroke sent me back here. From 2015, I had serious medical issues with my heart.

     It was February 2015 when I was first brought to the National University Hospital of Singapore and underwent a heart surgery to correct my acute aorta aneurism. They couldn't perform the whole correction because their priority was only to save my life.
Friends visiting me after my first heart surgery 

     Again in February 2017, I had a scheduled heart surgery to fully correct the defect in my aorta. After two full open heart surgery, I thought everything was back to normal and I have completely eliminated all health issues.

     To my surprise, in February 2019, I had a stroke and was rushed to the hospital for brain surgery. The stroke rendered me somehow with slow mobility and imbalance. This led me losing my job in Singapore and sent me back home for good.

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