Sunday, March 12, 2023

My Snow Experiemce

     I was lucky to have worked with a Norwegian global paint company, Jotun, 2001-2010. It gave me the opportunity to go to the headquarters in Sandefjord, Norway. In one of the global technical meetings, I experienced snow fall at the venue of our meeting which was in some resort near the mountains.
My first snow experience in my entire life

With the global technical team

With Peter Langeid, chemist from Norway 

     It was on the day before our last day when snow started falling. When I woke up in the morning and I look out through the window, then I saw the white feathery droplets falling down. At first, I didn't know what it was. Only when I talked to my other Asian colleagues, we realized it was snowing. We walked out letting the snow fall on us to get the experience of it.

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