Thursday, November 4, 2021

Am I Ultra-Religious?

     Three years ago, we visited Monasterio de Tarlac where a relic of Jesus' crucifix is sacredly housed. It was moved here from Germany where probably nobody cared as there are not many devout Christians there unlike in the Philippines, the only Christian country in Asia, if I am not mistaken.
The sacred relic of Jesus' crucifix is enshrined in here

     The site is blessed, at least to many Christians, not only in the Philippines but the entire world. I am lucky to have visited this holy site few years ago although I have been exposed to non-Christian faith in my years in Malaysia and Singapore. Exposed to other beliefs such as Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, it strengthened my faith in Christianity, my religion where I was born, baptized and grew up. Thus I made it a point to visit this shrine with my family when I was in Tarlac.

     I am not going to say my religion is the best because I firmly believe that what is in your heart depicts your true faith, and how you treat your fellowmen speaks for what you really are. I am not saying organized religion is the ultimate goal because I have met many friends who are free-thinkers. They don't adhere to any organized religion but they have their own faith and the way they deal with others, I think, speaks more of how they are than having any religion.

     There are good and bad people in all religion, in my experience. A person is bad, not because of his religion, but by nature he is that. Any person too can be good whatever religion they are from or they are free-thinkers.

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