Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Fishing for Votes?

     Politicians have been advertising on TV of all sorts to gain attention for their candidacy even though official campaign period starts only next year. Sarah and Baste withdrew from their Mayor and Vice Mayor candidacy in Davao. Baste is replacing Sarah's candidacy while Sarah is still quiet, although many, like me, are expecting her to run for President or Vice President. If she decides to become Bongbong Marcos' VP, they are going to be a formidable team, I believe. But that's not my story.

     Tiktok has become an instrument of politicians to reach the voting public especially the younger generation. I saw Leni's attempt to lure them and I also saw Risa Hontiveros' TikTok today. Them appearing suddenly on TikTok is definitely a political ploy to attract the TikTok generation. Wise move but very obvious to the thinking voter like me. Simply disgusting.
Funny? Or vain attempt to catch the young voters?

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