Monday, November 8, 2021

Yolanda Memory

     Today marks the 8th anniversary of Yolanda (typhoon Haiyan in international name) and over tuba,  the traditional coconut wine, my family shared stories about their experiences during Yolanda. They talked about what they did, how they tried to survive and where they found ways to stay alive.
The strongest typhoon ever  to hit the country wreaked havoc all over (photos grabbed from Facebook of Gerry Ruiz)

     We talked about how they scavenged for food as their rice have all been soaked in water. They joined people in Tacloban looting in stores and shops in order to survive.
The highway was cleared in order to allow vehicles to travel

Talked about how a boat carried by the strong wind landed ashore

An entrepreneur, with or  without typhoon, was still selling lechon

The debris was too much but the Filipinos survived although many perished .

    I have many stories to tell but going through their memories is hard and kind of emotional.

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