Sunday, July 10, 2022

Djokovic's 21st Grand Slam at Wimbledon

     Novak Djokovic renewed his supremacy in tennis and cemented his no. 1 world ranking after winning his 7th Wimbledon, his 4th in a row beating tennis bad boy Nick Kyrgios. 
Djokovic vs Kyrgios in Wimbledon 2022

     He is now 2nd to Nadal in the most grand slam wins with 21, Nadal at 22 and leads Federer, now at 20. I have the feeling he is going to beat Nadal winning more Grands Slam in the near future.

     I used to be the Federer fanatic but with Djokovic winning slams the last 10 years, I seemed to have drifted my loyalty to him. I wish him to reach more Grand Slams and win them all. I don't think Nadal and Federer still have it, they're too old from my point of view.
I look forward to Djokovic making that record which I hope will be really hard to beat for many generations.
World No. 1 Djokovic 

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