Monday, July 25, 2022


     I watched President Bongbong Marcos' first State of the Nation Address(SONA) although I didn't religiously follow from beginning to end. At a glance I watched and listened to the highlights as I was busy playing online. I am surprised at the reaction of some people who used to criticize BBM during the campaign period.
The new President is his first SONA

     While I hear praises for his SONA, I didn't hear a new pronouncement that will address the economic imbalance in the country, how to eliminate poverty in the countryside so the gap between the rich and the poor will be minimized.
  One example is the Oversea Filipino Worker (OFW) situation. He lauded their contribution to the country and his creation as proposed by the previous administration of the Ministry of Migrant Workers. But he never went into the roots of their migration, and focus on how to bring them back to the country because they are mainly talented and skilled.

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