Sunday, July 17, 2022

Singapore, Fastest in the World for Internet Speed

     I know Singapore has high internet speed at 247mbps, I experienced it while working in that country for almost 10 years. When I saw the official list published on the internet, I was surprised at how good Singapore is. Truly first class in internet speed quality.
Singapore leads the speed clearly

     I remember when I was still working there when a family friend came to visit with their children. After experiencing, this internet in my house, they told their parents "to not go sightseeing, stay in my house as the speed is superb and they experience no buffering". Now that I am back here in rural Philippines, I understand where they were coming from.

     I am surprised Singapore beats first world countries from the west including the USA. It is an achievement in the modern world, in the internet age. I am surprised too Norway is not in the top ten.

     There is still a long way to go for a third world country like the Philippines to be in this list especially in the rural areas. I have been monitoring the speed here and it is sad to admit we are below 10mbps.

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