Monday, March 18, 2024

A Waste of Energy

     Watching the local news is frustrating everytime it focuses on the politicians's pogi-points antics to be remembered by the masses every election. This senator is an example of someone always wanting to be in the headlines.He is attacking sweepstake winners 

     It happened that based on statistics, there are bettors who won the lottery games 20 or more times in a month. According to the PCSO boss, these are not the major prizes, and the ones claiming the prize may not necessarily be the real bettor, where they are required to claim and appear personally for the major prizes. Yet, he is persistent in claiming for possibility of fraud, and the mass media are giving him much avenue to portray he is fighting a cause of the masses.

     He is truly focusing and wasting his energy at the wrong issue. This sweepstake issue is nothing compared to other major issues such as poverty and unemployment, where he and other politicians should focus their time to root out the causes of poverty in the country. 

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