Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Friends Visit to the Farm

     Yesterday two close friends from college came to visit me in the farm, since they are free starting the week-long Holy Week religious festival. I've not meet then for about four years and it's great to see them again in person, Roy and Jerry.Only two finally made it

     Jerry became close to me because we were together in the students publications, I was the editor-in-chief and he was the photographer then layout artist. In my third year in college, he ran for the Supreme Student Council as President, I campaigned for him vigorously but unfortunately he lost. Now he is the first city councilor of Tacloban City, the only real opposition since the Romualdezes rule the city. This is his first term after the required three-year hiatus as he was a three-term councilor previously. He is a lawyer and a businessman, the owner of Paper World, an office supplies and bookstore as his other family members own Nitrofuel, City Hardware, Bo's Cafe, XYZ Hotel, Z-Pad Hotel, Cellcom and EDS Computer shop among many others. I realized his family is formidably wealthy. He gave me tea leaf, biscuit and 10,000 pesos cash. This is the second time he gave me cash of 10,000, he gave me in Dec 2021 I think.Jerry's gifts

     Roy is another close buddy in college. We were together in the publications in my later year and we were both active in our socio-political organization DALAIT-AKMA, which I formed during my college days when I was politically active. He is now a lawyer and I see his social media pages that his clients are the powerful politicians in the region. Although indirectly not related to the principles of our organization, I hope and pray he realized his basic principles. I see that his cases involve people who are his friends mostly and I am not sure of their innocence.

     They didn't forget me after all those years and that means I made an impact in their lives during the times I knew them when I was younger. I don't think our friendship will end until the end of our lives. I am fortunate to have them as my lifelong friends with many others who didn't make it this trip.

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