Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Carica Papaya

     I found a huge ripe papaya, scientifically is Carica Papaya, in my niece's nearby lot. I made sure I get this for seedling purposes as it is about a foot long.
Carica Papaya or papaw

      Papaya is an excellent anti-oxidant and high fiber fruit which is beneficial for high blood individuals. It's a cheap fruit yet it provides a lot of health benefits. It is easy to propagate as the seeds are easy to grow. I remember my Malaysian Chinese friends used to tell me it reduces libido, whether it's true or not, I have no idea.
     I read somewhere online these benefits of eating papaya.
1. Nutritious
2. High anti-oxidant content
3. Anticancer
4. Improves heart health
5. May fight inflammation
6. May improve digestion 
7. Protects skin damage
8. Delicious and versatile
(From Healthline)

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