Friday, March 22, 2024

House of Beehon

     There are many eating places in Singapore that I won't forget, from the simplest ones to o the high end types. This one is something I won't forget, not only for having a simple dish, but it had a Filipino bartender whom I met when I was still working in Singapore. It was in the neighborhood so it was very convenient for me.The House of Beehon

     Beehon in the Philippines is maybe a poor man's food but this restaurant made it so special that I love to eat it after work. It was a simple dish but it was delicious.

     One time I was having dinner, the bartender who served my drinks is a Filipino. I had a funny conversation with the guy about his experience and his job predicament. It has been years I've not been to this restaurant so I won't know what happened to him.His typical OFW story

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