Friday, July 19, 2024

Best Fastfood Chain in the World

     As much as possible I avoid fast food, but sometimes I go to satisfy my family's craving. I saw this list online, and I have been to nine in the list. McDonald's is a general go to for me. If you crave for sandwiches, Subway it is; if chicken, must be KFC; for healthier burgers, Burger King then; if just for coffee, Starbucks is the place to go. I am surprised Kenny Roger's is not among the biggest, I know it has been declared bankrupt in the US, so it probably affected its standing.  Shakey's too  surprised me for not making it to the top. The others I've been to but very seldom Domino's, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Dairy Queen and Wendy's.
Best Fastfood Chains

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