Saturday, July 27, 2024

Perhentian Island, Malaysia

     This came out from my memory in Facebook, our pictures when we had a department trip to this island in Malaysia 23 years ago.The Regional Lab then
Other chemists who I am close to till now

     It's so sad for me to see that one of the guys, a technician, has already passed away ten years or so. I was with this group for about a year when we went on this trip and I worked with them for almost ten years. Ten years in the lab as a chemist before I moved to marketing for a regional job based in Singapore.

     Working with Jotun, a Norwegian paint company, has been my longest employment in a company. Working with this group of people is definitely unforgettable that if not for the boss, I won't have left this company.

     I will treasure all the memories that I have with all these people. They are like brothers and sisters to me. 

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