Saturday, July 6, 2024

My LTO Car Renewal 2024

     I managed to renew my car's LTO registration easily. I was lucky to find a one-stop center to do the smoke test and renew the registration. Finding it was an accident.

     Early in the morning, I went to Tacloban City, and since my niece wanted to go the EVRMC for some urgent matters, we drove her to that hospital and on our way back towards the city, we passed by this place VH Testing just nearby EVRMC. Curious if what this center does, we drove towards the gate, and soon they were welcoming us to enter. I asked what do they do in this center, and they told me they do all the way to renewal issuance. After ascertaining they were authentic, I was convinced to renew my LTO registration. It was such a delight to discover this place for easy renewal.
The facility for smoke testing 
Later, found out in the internet

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