Thursday, July 18, 2024

MH370, Whatever Happened to It

     Up until now no one is certain what happened to that fateful flight MH370, a Malaysian Airlines(MAS) plane that vanished in 2008 without any clear explanation including 227 passengers. It's almost 20 years that I almost forgot it happened until I saw this MH370 on Netflix, a 3-episode series with some hypothesis on what really happened.
The tragic disappeance of MH370  in 2008

     Of the theories trying to explain what really happened, I tend to agree with the notion that it was a US cover up, the US had a hand in the disappearance as it was preventing it to reach China as it was carrying mysterious unexplained load, which didn't pass through screening at KLIA. Only US has the ability and technology to cause disappearance without leaving any trace or clue. Up to a certain point above South China Sea, it magically vanished in the radar screens of MAS.

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