Thursday, September 29, 2022

Autumn in Korea

      I was in Korea at the right time it seemed. We had our company regional meeting in Gyeoungju, South Korea, when I was still working, then on the last day, it was pleasure time. We had the chance to see the blooming trees of fall. It was an experience I won't forget.
The colorful leaves of trees
This is maple I believe
Wonderful trip 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Barangay Officials

     The smallest political unit in the Philippines is the barangay, like a village in many other countries. Even urban centers are divided into smaller units called barangays too. Today these barangays are lead by elected officials every three years I think, and current barangay officials can be re-elected for three terms, after they can rest and run again after three-year hiatus or run for another post.

     Today Manny Piñol, an ex-government Secretary of Agriculture when Duterte started but he resigned and didn't complete the six-year term, posted in his FB something that I completely agree.He urges for barangay officials to be appointed instead of elected 

     It's a lot of savings for the government because running an election incurs a lot for the government. It too will depoliticize the barangay level. I know the local government will definitely use politics in their appointments but it will minimize too much politics in the villages. It will be easier for them, responsible LGU, to implement programs to benefit the villages 

     This reminds me of Malaysia, a British inspired form of government. In there, these local governments are run by civil employees. They are therefore not politically aligned with any of the local kingpins. Thus they have minimal elections, less politicking and implement programs easier and faster. The parliament representatives may change but the local officials remain as employees of the government.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


     In my previous job, I had to go to Netherlands and Belgium for global meetings. In one of our global meetings, we met in Castle de Baak in Antwerp. After the marketing meeting, we proceeded to Louvain-la-neuve for technical training. I passed by Brussels on our way back after all the meetings. I returned to Asia via Frankfurt, Germany.

Global Marketing Team meeting in Antwerp

Leonardo hotel in Louvain-la-neuve where I stayed

With Chinese and Japanese colleagues in a dinner in Brussels

Mussels is like staple food in Belgium

Belgian chocolates and beers

Return to Asia with Lufthansa via Frankfurt 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Typhoon Karding

     Typhoon Karding(Noru, international name) had left the Philippines last night without much damage. It was touted to be the strongest typhoon this year and the people's fear based on Haiyan's experience in 2013 was imminent. Thanks God it has left the country for good.

     Unfortunate though it has flooded some northern provinces and killing some five rescue workers, one is still missing, who were trying to help local people.
One of the rescue workers who died

     They have offered their lives to save many in their efforts to rescue village people trapped by the floods. It is so sad to think the loss of five lives. They are heroic and their unselfish act caused them their lives.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Petronas Twin Towers

     I went to work in Malaysia in March 1993. It was the developing stage of Malaysia to what it is now, from a third world to a newly industrialized country. I saw how the government built a great nation in Southeast Asia then led by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, although some of my Malaysian friends don't really admire him.  I saw how they build their twin towers now an iconic symbol of the country.
The twin towers when I visited  it

     Malaysia I would say is my second country having spent almost twenty years in the country. I used to say I know it better that the Philippines geographically. It is a country where I have many memories I won't forget.

     I learned to speak Bahasa Malaysia because then in 1993 many of the locals didn't speak English. I had to learn the local language to survive. I learned how to drive a car too. I got my driving license in 1998 I think as driving your own car is like a must in Malaysia with no mass public transport. I got exposed to many religions - Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism - widening my views about religion, about people and culture.



Monday, September 19, 2022

Preikestolen in Norway

     A friend posted pictures of his trip in Norway, he is a seaman, and the places he was showing in social media were places I visited in 2010 after our internal meeting in Sandefjord, Norway, that time I was still with the Norwegian company Jotun Paints. Upon seeing his photos, made me look at photos of my own.
Almost at the peak of Preikestolen

     Hiking to the peak at cold temperature was arduous. Seeing structures like this was scary for the uninitiated.
The peak

     It was exhilarating to be at the highest peak overlooking the fjord. Some of my friends could seat at the edge of the cliff.I could only peep crawling to the edge

     We had to hike for about four hours to reach the top. It was cold even with the sun shining brightly.
The nicest path on the way up
Otherwise it's all rocks

     After our hike, we had to spend a night at Stavanger, the jump off point to reach Preikestolen.  We spent going around the small city to see some interesting spots.
We stayed at Stavanger Inn
Passing through a lovely Catholic church
By the harbor at night
It was cold that even the bars provide blankets
Funny painting in one of the walls around the city

Friday, September 16, 2022

Idol Philippines 2

     This weekend the top 3 to go to the finals next week will be known, based on public votes(50%) and judges rating(50%). There is one in the top 5 that I personally don't believe he should be there. It's Kice but maybe he comes from a rich family that his public votes probably kept him in the top 5.

     There are a few I like but to be sure Kice doesn't go into top 3, I'm putting all my votes on Khimo. I do hope he wins this competition. I was not actively voting in Season 1 like I am now.
The Top 5

Thursday, September 15, 2022


     When I was working with Jotun we had meetings all over the world and one was a meeting in Dubai. Technical people from the regional laboratories convened in Dubai to learn new teahnical matters as well as internal organization strategy from the chemists' point of view.In our regional lab in Dubai with other chemists

     After our technical sessions, we had chance to go around Dubai and  see some tourist attractions in the city.

It is a must to have a photo with Burj Al Arab

    We also visited other places such as the Atlantis at the Palm man-made island that time was developing, I think the Dubai Festival Mall that time was newly-opened, and the Burj Khalifa that time was just erected then the highest structure in the world.
With Burj Khalifa

No More Tennis For Roger

     After 24 years in tennis, Roger Federer is retiring from professional play. His last game would be Laver Cup next week, he announced. With 20 Grand Slam wins, he established himself as a force in the tennis world. Before he ruled the world, I was a Leyton Hewitt supporter then Roger rose to the top. However now, it seems, I am a Novak Djokovic fanatic.
 All the best Roger!

     I met him in person in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, I have a tennis ball autographed by him in person and I have his bond paper-sized photo. I was like an avid tennis fan. I remember we were allowed to take photo but we were not to shake his hand, clear instruction before meeting him in person.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Mooncake Festival

     Mooncake Festival or mid-Autumn Festival is a popular celebration among the Chinese in Malaysia where I used to work. In one of our company trips to Tioman Islands, the festival happened to coincide so my Chinese gang celebrated the night at the beach. It happens on mid-Autumn every year.
It was great night at the beach

     I don't remember what we were doing in that picture but we ate mooncake, had some tea and raised some lanterns.
The lantern line we hanged among the trees

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


    I am an avid lover of nature. Thus artificial creations hardly attract me. But I was pulled to this i-City theme park in Shah Alam, Malaysia I didn't know for what reason. We went there years ago with my Filipino friends in Malaysia and Bryan, our Malaysian friend.
The display of colorful lights was attractive at night

    The place was new then when we visited it. It was fun frolicking under the lights and we entered their snow house to experience extremely low temperature with the artificial snow. It was one of weekend activities we did in Malaysia.
Bryan's shot was superb (look at the reflection)



Monday, September 12, 2022

Malaysia, My Second Country?

     I worked in Malaysia for almost twenty years, 1993-2010, that I feel I know Malaysia better than my own country, the Philippines. Meeting fellow Filipinos was inspiring, although I was close to some locals, and hanging out with Filipino friends was a cure to homesickness. When I was there, whenever it was holiday or the weekend, we got together and visited some lovely places.

     One such place I loved to bring my friends as I drive my own car is Putrajaya, the government center developed under the leadership of then Prime Minister Mahathir.
The Putrajaya White House I used to joke

     I used to bring my friends there because it is so beautiful for a government center. The offices are lovely that it has become a tourist destination.

My Filipino pals 

     Their structures are amazing and they look like not government owned. Their bridges, their street lights, their man-made lakes are for me a must-see.A Putrajaya bridge at the backdrop

     They developed the area yet they maintained the cleanliness and greenery. The trees not only provide shade but they beautify the place and cool down the humid place like most countries in Southeast Asia.
Aren't the shade of the trees comforting?

     This is what I keep saying that good governance brings development and at the same time provides opportunities for employment for the people. The vision of the government for the people is necessary, not just to enrich themselves and keep themselves in power as the case in the Philippines.

     I love Malaysia so much. I speak their language fluently. Opportunity in Singapore drove me out of Malaysia. If I had a choice, I would have chosen to stay.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Asia Pacific Coating Show 2017

     When I was still active with my work, an annual event that we look forward to is the Asia Pacific Coating Show, a technical exhibition of chemical companies in the coating industries. It goes around Southeast Asia, while China has their own Chinacoat. 
With the Asian team

     Five years ago we were in Jakarta for such event. I was there with our Sales guy for SEA and the Technical Manager for Asia. I am missing so much my old job.Having our meal with sales guy Tan Sze Chern, Malaysian, and technical guy Steven Mao, Chinese


US Open 2022, Tennis

     The US Open ended with new champions. I am an avid tennis fanatic. I watched almost all grand slam when I worked abroad. This time I am not working anymore, so I have the time to see the matches. The winner for the men is someone I didn't expect. In a way, it is good for tennis with new blood at the top.
Carlos Alcaras Garfil, 19 y.o., the youngest to be no. 1

     He defeated  Casper Ruud, Norwegian, now the new world no. 2.  I personally was rooting for the Norwegian having had worked previously with a Norwegian paint company.

Iga Swiatek strengthened her no. 1 rank

     In the women's, Iga Swiatek ruled and established her no. 1 ranking  and this is well deserved.

     What a real surprise for me was the women's junior champion who happened to be a Filipino. Although I heard her talent in tennis, I didn't expect this early for her to win. I hope she carries this all the way to the women's category. She is the first Filipino to ever win a grand slam.
Alex Eala, a Filipino, won the  Women's Junior

Christmas in the Philippines

     I don't know if this is due to my not being in the country for years before stroke sent me back here to my village. The gaiety over Christmas the moment September 1 comes is over the top, I really feel. It's too commercial, an elitist act that mask the real probems of the society, the real issues of the common people. 

     Christmas songs are now playing on the airwaves, totally far from what I used to see when Christmas feels only on Christmas day although shopping malls in Singapore adorn their malls at the start of December. In the US, I see they put up Christmas trees on Christmas day. 
Christmas decorations are selling like hotcakes now 

     This is too much, an escapism to hide the realities of the society. It's the Spanish culture of celebration pervading on the psyche of society. It's a weapon of the rich diverting the focus from the harsh realities, from the simple lives of the poor who are not so in the gaiety.

     The elites are into the celebration forgetting that many poor people in the countryside are struggling on survival. What they do diverts the attention of many from the stark realities of society. They hide the pain and worry of the poor because they just want the festive mood beginning September until Christmas day, four months and a third of the year hiding the truth from the eyes of the public which foreigners get to see, not able to see the true situation in the grasscourt.

     This festive atmosphere distances Christmas in the Philippines far away from the true meaning of Christmas, of Jesus being born in a manger, and saddest part is that the Church is silent, kind of approving this kind of celebration. Maybe because many of the priests come from elite families, detached from the impoverished followers.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

My Ex-Colleagues

     Five years ago, I met my ex-colleagues in previous companies for lunch when I was still working in Singapore. Both of them are working in the same company now, PPG paints. One is a colleague of mine in Jotun Malaysia and the other in Dutch Boy Philippines. 
Lunch with Jun and Timothy

     Jun, my ex-colleague in Dutch Boy, came from the sales department but was always in the lab because he was chasing samples from the chemist for his product. 

     Timothy, my ex-colleague in Jotun, was my colleague in the lab. I was a chemist for decorative paints while he was a chemist for protective coatings. I knew him earlier when he started working with ICI(now owned by Akzo Nobel) which was my primary customer when I was still with Revertex Malaysia doing polymers for paints.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

My Korean Experience

     Eleven years ago I was in Korea, not my first though. I was visiting customers with our local sales guy. In one of our trips, we need to travel some distance from Seoul, and allowed to me see the countryside. 
We travelled by car to see the  customer 

     I enjoyed seeing the countryside and I can't help compare it with the Philippines' countryside. Sadly, we pale in comparison.

     Many of the lands were planted, made productive by the farmers. 
My colleague then Jason phoning customer that we're coming late

Friday, September 2, 2022

My First Trip to the US

     I was in the US five years ago for a company meeting. It was eventful as it happened when hurricane Harvey landed in Houston, where our meeting was originally set. It was moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

     On my way back, I had options for alternative routes as my original ticket was returning from Houston. I settled to pass through San Francisco and a chance to meet my high school classmate in Sacramento. He came all the way to San Francisco airport to bring me around.

     My classmate and friend Nilo brought me to see the famed Golden Gate Bridge. It was surreal seeing it in person, something I used to see only in books or TV or movie.
With Nilo at the Golden Gate Bridge

     Then we went to the world's crookedest lane. At Lombardi Street

     He brought me to see the Palace of Fine Arts, my friend being an art afficionado.Palace of Fine Arts

     Before he sent me back to the airport to resume my flight back to Singapore, we had dinner at Pier 39. Enjoyed American lifestyle

     It was a brief moment but I enjoyed my quick visit to San Francisco. Had there been no hurricane Harvey, this would not have had happened.