Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Malaysia, My Second Country?

     I worked in Malaysia for almost twenty years, 1993-2010, that I feel I know Malaysia better than my own country, the Philippines. Meeting fellow Filipinos was inspiring, although I was close to some locals, and hanging out with Filipino friends was a cure to homesickness. When I was there, whenever it was holiday or the weekend, we got together and visited some lovely places.

     One such place I loved to bring my friends as I drive my own car is Putrajaya, the government center developed under the leadership of then Prime Minister Mahathir.
The Putrajaya White House I used to joke

     I used to bring my friends there because it is so beautiful for a government center. The offices are lovely that it has become a tourist destination.

My Filipino pals 

     Their structures are amazing and they look like not government owned. Their bridges, their street lights, their man-made lakes are for me a must-see.A Putrajaya bridge at the backdrop

     They developed the area yet they maintained the cleanliness and greenery. The trees not only provide shade but they beautify the place and cool down the humid place like most countries in Southeast Asia.
Aren't the shade of the trees comforting?

     This is what I keep saying that good governance brings development and at the same time provides opportunities for employment for the people. The vision of the government for the people is necessary, not just to enrich themselves and keep themselves in power as the case in the Philippines.

     I love Malaysia so much. I speak their language fluently. Opportunity in Singapore drove me out of Malaysia. If I had a choice, I would have chosen to stay.

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