Friday, September 23, 2022

Petronas Twin Towers

     I went to work in Malaysia in March 1993. It was the developing stage of Malaysia to what it is now, from a third world to a newly industrialized country. I saw how the government built a great nation in Southeast Asia then led by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, although some of my Malaysian friends don't really admire him.  I saw how they build their twin towers now an iconic symbol of the country.
The twin towers when I visited  it

     Malaysia I would say is my second country having spent almost twenty years in the country. I used to say I know it better that the Philippines geographically. It is a country where I have many memories I won't forget.

     I learned to speak Bahasa Malaysia because then in 1993 many of the locals didn't speak English. I had to learn the local language to survive. I learned how to drive a car too. I got my driving license in 1998 I think as driving your own car is like a must in Malaysia with no mass public transport. I got exposed to many religions - Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism - widening my views about religion, about people and culture.



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