Tuesday, July 25, 2023

BDO Alangalang

     Banco de Oro(BDO), one of the premier local banks, opened a branch in Alangalang, Leyte town center sometime last year I guess. I was excited to see such development in my rural town even though I closed my old BDO account in Manila since I am out of job. This is the first bank in my town. I didn't know was my excitement had another reason, the bank manager is a friend, a batchmate in my high school whose past experience has been in banking. I learned lately about her new post after she messaged me few months ago 
My batchmate, Wilma(left) whom I met in our reunion

     I met her in our grand dinner during our reunion. It was a pleasure meeting her in person after several years, maybe I've not met her since high school, as far as my memory is concerned.

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