Monday, July 17, 2023

Love The Philippines

     Love The Philippines. This is the new promotional slogan of the Tourism Department as announced, replacing Wow Philippines which was popularized in 2010 during President Benigno Aquino's term. It was not changed by President Rodrigo Duterte when he assumed office in 2016. With the rise of President Bongbong Marcos to the top in 2022, his department of tourism changed the slogan. Is this necessary? I don't think so. The change in slogan is simply a demonstration of inconsistency in the bureaucracy, a failure to look at the good in the past governments, all is in the politics of the leaders.
The new tourism slogan

     Malaysia, my second country after the Philippines, has always has this: Malaysia, Truly Asia. They have used that for years, leaders have changed in the government but their tourism slogan remained the same. Same is true with other neighboring countries. 

     Malaysia, Truly Asia
     Amazing Thailand
     Wonderful Indonesia
     Simple, straightforward, and seem unchanged for years. I think that's what should be a tourism slogan to create an identity for the country. Change only if there is a valid reason. For instance, Singapore changed in 2017 to Passion Made Possible from a boring slogan of Your Singapore. I can understand the need to change.

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