Sunday, October 30, 2022

Chiling Waterfalls

     I am an outdoor and adventurous person. I lived that life when I was in Malaysia. I tried all types of challenges to test my limits.i loved going to this waterfall in Malaysia,. To go to the falls is an adventure in itself. Before reaching it, we had to trek and cross the river seven times before finding this hidden gem in the forest.
Chiling Waterfalls  

     Trekking for half an hour before reaching the falls is like finding the jewel. When you reach it, all exhaustion is wiped out. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Money Heist

     I have completed watching Money Heist up to Season 5 not because I love it but because I wanted to know the end of the story.
Momey Heist on Netflix

     I am not sure if it's only me who feels this way but this show shouldn't be promoted nor watched by the public. Now there is a Korean version.

     The distorted outlook promoted by the film shouldn't be emulated, shouldn't be followed. The proverbial triumph of evil over good, shouldn't be widely adored because it's affecting the psyché of the audience, a wrong notion that evil is a means to brighter future.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

My High School Batchmates

     After my stroke in February 2019 in Singapore, I came back to the Philippines for good, unable to continue working. When I was in Manila before I returned to my hometown, some batchmates visited me some time in October. They brought some food. It was great for them to visit me.
My batchmates Alvin, Gil and Ana Marie

     I am close to my high school batchmates. We have reunions every five years except in 2020 when Covid was at its peak.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Snakes in China

     I grew up in the rural village where snakes are killed because they are dangerous to humans. But in China, they eat them.

     In one of my business trips in the past to Guangzhou, we had to eat as prodded by our Chinese colleagues. It is a simple delicacy to them. Live snakes ready in the restaurant

     I didn't like the idea of eating it but I had to so as not to offend my Chinese colleagues. It was hard for me to stomach but I had to bite two pieces of the cooked snake dish and pretended it passed my standard.

Sunday, October 23, 2022


     I grew up not engaged in any sport being a poor kid in the Philippine countryside. We were more focused on how to survive. When I went to high school in Tacloban City, I focused more in leading my team during intramurals, the organizer of players for whatever sports.

     When I had the chance to work in Malaysia, probably when times got better, I started to see the benefits in engaging in sports. I learned to jog after work. I swam at the public pools after work. I am an outdoor person and I learned to climb and camp in mountains with friends.

     I played badminton for the first time in Malaysia, one of the leading countries in the sports. I learned the basics when I was working with Revertex Malaysia. I learned to play tenpin bowling too. My former company Jotun Paints had annual tournaments among the departments. 

     Bowling came when Oil and Colour Chemists Association(OCCA), my professional organization, held annual tournaments among the member companies. I learned to play for the team. I even had my own bowling ball. I was not the best but my skill was honed as I constantly practiced. It is such a sport that requires peace of mind, calmness and focus. I have loved this sport.

Bowling for fun in Hexion

     I used to play with my colleagues in Hexion after hectic meetings in China. It was an avenue for us to release the tension and pressure.
My Hexion colleagues having fun

Friday, October 21, 2022

The Fall

     In my previous job, we had a regional meeting in Korea when it was the season for the fall. The colorful leaves were falling down and the roads were littered with the colorful stuff. It was such a beauty to behold.

    It was the season for autumn. It was the season for shedding the old to allow the new.
Aren't they colorful?
Indeed an awesome experience 

Marchè Singapore

     When I was still working in Singapore, my friends from the Philippines would come to see me and the good-natured in me would bring them around, or have dinner with them. I had one time a dinner with high school friend Arnel in October 2018 in one of the best restaurants in Singapore. Marchè has a unique concept so special such that I brought my friend to have dinner there.
Dinner with Arnel at Marche

Monday, October 17, 2022

Olive, Rotterdam, Netherlands

        Something hard to forget when we had global marketing meeting was the dinners. One such is a very unique dinner we had in Rotterdam after our meeting. In this restaurant called Olive, we had to prepare and cook our dinner based on the instruction of the chef. It  was like a test of our ability to follow instructions. I don't remember what we cooked and ate but it was a very interesting concept. I wouldn't forget the experience.

Saturday, October 15, 2022


     The Philippines is crazy over basketball, a sport which is very American. Such that it was so diffeent when I worked in Malaysia, they don't care of basketball. They are crazy over two sports, football and badminton. They are leaders in the world for badminton. They used to have Lee Chong Wei then world no. 1 for a number of years. Thus I learned to play badminton when I worked in Malaysia. 

     When I moved to Singspore, it was the same. They also love badminton and they have badminton halls all over the city. Me and my Filipino friends played on weekends for fun. 
Badminton with my Filipino gang in Singapore
My playmates: Jansci, Larry, Wilmer & Chris

     There was even a time when I was in Shanghai, my Chinese colleagues invited me to play with them. China is a force to reckon in badminton.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Rotterdam, The Ship Cum Hotel

     We had a global marketing meeting in Rottterdam, Netherlands and our hotel was once a luxury ship turned into a hotel, Rotterdam.  It definitely was an experience. It's like Titanic but is not sailing. I surely wouldn't forget the experience. I was told by a friend in high school he was once a sailor before in this ship when it was still sailing all over the world. The idea to use it for our marketing meeting was awesome.
Rotterdam, the luxury liner turned into a hotel

Thursday, October 13, 2022


     I went to Paris in 2013, a side trip I had before our meetings in Antwerp and Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium. It was my first travel alone to Europe, to a place I read in novels and see in movies. Paris is so expensive now I know, travelling there is probably only for the rich. 
The perennial photo with the Eiffel Tower

      I spent an overnight stay in Paris, I walked around most of the time. I walked Rue La Fayette, a street I have read in many novels before. I searched for Hard Rock Cafe Paris to buy a cap for an American friend who is collecting HRC caps.

     I have seen the many attractions of Paris such as the Louvre Museum, and of course, Champ Elysee.
The Champ Elysee

    In on the morning I was walking the city, a Korean young tourist, alone too, had his iPhone snatched by a teenager, black Parisian, I assume. I can't believe it can happen in a first world city as Paris. Thanks God it was retrieved moments later with the quick action of the police.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Mort Subite(Belgian beer)

     One time I went to Belgium, and I found out that there are two things they are known for in the world, chocolates and beer. For such a tiny country, they have hundreds of brands in their market.

     I tried beer in one of their pubs and I was so surprised with the brand name of the beer. Instant Death(name in English)

     The brand name means Instant Death in English. I don't know the story behind the brand name, I don't have explanation as to how they can name a beer like that. Had I known what it means, I probably won't have ordered one.

Monday, October 10, 2022


     I seldom watch Filipino films on Netflix always going for the English flicks simply because I have always felt Filipino films' standard are so-so. Then this week I saw the no. 1 hit in Netflix Philippines is a film led by Baron Geisler. He is one of the greatest Filipino actor but he was an addict, I believe he is recovering since he is now with a family.
Dollhouse on Netflix

     Curious as to the no. 1 tag, I watched it. I didn't know it would make me cry. I don't know if the film is really that good or I am easy to cry. It has a simple plot but the ending where Baron Geisler's character in the rehab recuperating from stroke, unable to recognize his daughter who is now teen is tearjerking. My tears rolled out from my eyes without me knowing it. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Lorenzo's Way, BGC

     I used to travel for work, especially around Asia when I was still working, being the regional marketing manager for Asia for the chemical company I worked with. I have a few customers in Manila so being home was something I look forward to.

     I would visit customers with the technical people who would help me with the technical stuff while I managed the marketing aspect. Once successful, it's up to the sales team to follow up and maintain.

Dinner with technical colleague Susan, from China, together with Danny 

      In one Manila trip, I had dinner at Lorenzo's Way in Bonifacio Global City(BGC) with Susan and I invited a local friend Danny who is working in BGC, a couple of buildings away from my hotel F1 Hotel.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Hong Kong

     Some years back I went to Hong Kong, my first trip to the city, for a job interview. I was not really hunting for job but this company called me up for the interview and it's worth the try to test my market value, as they say. Although I didn't get the job, maybe my asking price was too high, it was an experience I won't forget. My first time to go to HK, although I have been travelling to so many other places, so I need to rely on myself to move around.
At the HK airport train terminal bound to the city

Friday, October 7, 2022


       Some years ago, Azkals went to Singapore to play against, I think, Indonesia or Singapore. That time, it seemed Azkals was darling of the Philippines, they ignited interest in football in the country hooked in basketball. I was a fan boy of football especially that their manager is a fellow Waray, someone coming from my province, my junior in high school.

     We followed them all the way to their hotel after the match since my friendship with their manager and staff helped got me informed where they were billeted. With my Singapore gang we  took photos with them.
Pic with them, I can only remember Etheridge, their goalkeeper

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Hague

    While Amsterdam is officially the capital of Netherlands, The Hague is the de facto capital, or the administrative capital. Here they also house the UN's International Court of Justice(ICJ). In one of my meetings in 2018 when I was working, my former company was based in Netherlands, I visited The Hague with a colleague from China, Steven Mao, last time our  Regional Technical Manager while I was the Regional Marketing Manager.Breakfast with Stephen at a cafe in The Hague

     I happened to be in The Hague when the Philippines was at the height fighting diplomatically with China at the ICJ over control in South China Sea, and remains unresolved up to today. It is an issue which is highly political. It's not just about who owns these islands but who controls the sea for power. The US definitely will not give up as this sea is commercially strategic thus the world's super powers are fighting control over it, and the Philippines is caught in between.
Arriving at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam 
     From Schipol Airport, we took the train to The Hague since our meeting would only be the day after. Unfortunately it was a Sunday, so most of the offices were closed so I joked the ICJ couldn't entertain our dialogue with my Chinese colleague.

Around The Hague 

    We explored the whole city since our meeting starts only the next day. It was a pleasure walking around in their climate which was cool and not humid. I do miss my old job and those meetings, totally detached from realities of the Philippine poor society.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Tioman Island in Malaysia

     Part of the perks of being in Jotun Malaysia was the annual trip. In October 2010 we went to Tioman Island, a serene island in the eastern side of Pahang state. It was my last trip with the company before I resigned at the end of the year. That time, I was contemplating of leaving because I was not happy with my immediate superior. I had no idea by December I would have made up my mind.

The Regional Lab team in the boat

     We were, and still remains, very close in the regional lab, like brothers and sisters. Some of them visited the Philippines some years back, I think 2012. We went to Sagada in the Mountain Province. I really miss them. I think they were my colleagues who were my friends too in the personal level. I won't forget these guys even if we've gone separate ways, we're far away from each other. Some remains in Jotun while others have embarked other journeys in their lives like me.

Snorkeling was one of the must-do in Tioman

Saturday, October 1, 2022

He Should Be in the Government

     I seem to be pleased with this guy that I feel he should be in the government. He should be part of the government. He ran for Senator in the last election but did not make it beaten by the traditional politicians.
Yesterday he posted this

   I think he is doing some good things in Mindanao in his farm. If many in the government have his thinking, the lives of the poor farmers would be better I believe.

     Yesterday, I watched David Rocco's Dolce Southeast Asia and his talk with a Thai who went back to his rural hometown in the northeast Thailand instead of Bangkok. He didn't like the commercial life in Bangkok. Instead, he talked about he opted to go organic farming to answer his basic needs. His mind shift was crucial, from commercial city lifestyle to rural way of life. I must imbibe this way of thinking in my new life.

Nasi Lemak

     Nasi lemak is the national dish of Malaysia, it seems. All the races enjoy it especially for breakfast. It started from the basic but now there are many versions with different add-ons. I have learned to love it, even the spicy versions. I used to take it for breakfast in Malaysia. They are peddling it on the streets in the morning wrapped in banana leaf.

     I searched the internet on how to make the basic nasi lemak and found this simple menu  which I assume seemed to be the basic. If time allows me, I want to try it here and see how my family finds it. This is the very basic recipe. In Malaysia, I tasted those with fried chicken, fried fish, beef/mutton curry or stew.
The ingredients to make the rice

The ingredients to make the sambal (something like sauce)