Saturday, October 1, 2022

Nasi Lemak

     Nasi lemak is the national dish of Malaysia, it seems. All the races enjoy it especially for breakfast. It started from the basic but now there are many versions with different add-ons. I have learned to love it, even the spicy versions. I used to take it for breakfast in Malaysia. They are peddling it on the streets in the morning wrapped in banana leaf.

     I searched the internet on how to make the basic nasi lemak and found this simple menu  which I assume seemed to be the basic. If time allows me, I want to try it here and see how my family finds it. This is the very basic recipe. In Malaysia, I tasted those with fried chicken, fried fish, beef/mutton curry or stew.
The ingredients to make the rice

The ingredients to make the sambal (something like sauce)

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