Monday, October 3, 2022

Tioman Island in Malaysia

     Part of the perks of being in Jotun Malaysia was the annual trip. In October 2010 we went to Tioman Island, a serene island in the eastern side of Pahang state. It was my last trip with the company before I resigned at the end of the year. That time, I was contemplating of leaving because I was not happy with my immediate superior. I had no idea by December I would have made up my mind.

The Regional Lab team in the boat

     We were, and still remains, very close in the regional lab, like brothers and sisters. Some of them visited the Philippines some years back, I think 2012. We went to Sagada in the Mountain Province. I really miss them. I think they were my colleagues who were my friends too in the personal level. I won't forget these guys even if we've gone separate ways, we're far away from each other. Some remains in Jotun while others have embarked other journeys in their lives like me.

Snorkeling was one of the must-do in Tioman

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