Thursday, October 13, 2022


     I went to Paris in 2013, a side trip I had before our meetings in Antwerp and Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium. It was my first travel alone to Europe, to a place I read in novels and see in movies. Paris is so expensive now I know, travelling there is probably only for the rich. 
The perennial photo with the Eiffel Tower

      I spent an overnight stay in Paris, I walked around most of the time. I walked Rue La Fayette, a street I have read in many novels before. I searched for Hard Rock Cafe Paris to buy a cap for an American friend who is collecting HRC caps.

     I have seen the many attractions of Paris such as the Louvre Museum, and of course, Champ Elysee.
The Champ Elysee

    In on the morning I was walking the city, a Korean young tourist, alone too, had his iPhone snatched by a teenager, black Parisian, I assume. I can't believe it can happen in a first world city as Paris. Thanks God it was retrieved moments later with the quick action of the police.

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