Sunday, October 2, 2022

He Should Be in the Government

     I seem to be pleased with this guy that I feel he should be in the government. He should be part of the government. He ran for Senator in the last election but did not make it beaten by the traditional politicians.
Yesterday he posted this

   I think he is doing some good things in Mindanao in his farm. If many in the government have his thinking, the lives of the poor farmers would be better I believe.

     Yesterday, I watched David Rocco's Dolce Southeast Asia and his talk with a Thai who went back to his rural hometown in the northeast Thailand instead of Bangkok. He didn't like the commercial life in Bangkok. Instead, he talked about he opted to go organic farming to answer his basic needs. His mind shift was crucial, from commercial city lifestyle to rural way of life. I must imbibe this way of thinking in my new life.

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