Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Memories of Reunion 2010

     My high school class makes it a point to organize a reunion every five years, we had one in 2010, our third. Before the event, some batchmates invited me to play badminton, and I was eager to show off how I developed badminton skills in Malaysia, one of the leading countries in the sport. I was not as skilled as many Malaysians but definitely better than any of my local friends, I can proudly say.
Playing badminton with batchmates in 2010

     Badminton, it seemed, found a way to be kind of popular among Filipinos although it is still a sport for the upper class unlike in other neighboring countries that it is a massive sport. Badminton courts sprouted for rental in many cities. This is a sport that the country should learn and focus in order to excell world wide and not waste energy on basketball, learned from the US, where chances of excelling are next to impossible, physically.
Dinner after our badminton 

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