Sunday, August 27, 2023

Exciting US Trip

     Six years ago, I was on a frantic trip to Houston, Texas to attend a global marketing meeting of my American company which was on the last minute changed to Atlanta, Georgia due to hurricane Harvey in the Houston area. I was stranded a bit in Manchester, UK then when it was finally decided that our flight to Houston was improbable, I had to discuss with my global marketing boss and it was decided that I changed my itinerary to Atlanta.
At Manchester airport waiting for further instructions
The airline accommodated us in a Manchester hotel

     After a good night sleep in Manchester, we were accommodated by a flight to Atlanta where we had our marketing meeting in a hotel inside Georgia Institute of Technology. Then on my return to Singapore, which was originally from Houston, I managed to change to San Francisco, California so that whole trip gave me a rare opportunity to go around the globe, something I won't forget 

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